CBD Oil for Anxiety

Those who suffer from anxiety know how overwhelming it can be and how it affects all aspects of life, both private, work, and/or social.

Several conventional medications are ineffective, sometimes even have detrimental side effects, or involve long-term negative health effects. Cannabidiol (CBD) is a natural remedy that is gaining more popularity every day for its ability to relieve anxiety.

What is anxiety?

The term anxiety derives from the Latin anxious meaning anguish and represents an emotional state, characterized by a feeling of intense worry, uneasiness, or fear.

It is an instinctive and natural, primordial reaction that our organism sets in motion every time we face something that we perceive as a threat -real or presumed- to our safety (for example, we do not cross the street without checking that no cars are passing by).

Therefore, it is not in itself a negative phenomenon; on the contrary, it is a basic emotion that activates the organism putting us “on alert” when our brain perceives a situation as dangerous and, therefore, it is a perfectly normal psychophysical reaction.

However, some people find it difficult to control their worries and sometimes anxiety exceeds the normal level of “functionality”, becoming so intense that it affects their daily life and causes discomfort in all areas of it.

What factors contribute to anxiety?

There is a relationship between anxiety and low levels of serotonin (a neurotransmitter that regulates mood) in the brain.

CBD is a non-psychotomimetic compound, i.e. it does not alter the perception of reality. It is derived from Hemp Sativa and induces anxiolytic and antipsychotic effects. CBD oil increases serotonin levels in the brain by activating a receptor called 5-HT1A, without causing negative side effects.

Why is CBD effective for anxiety?

To cut to the chase, CBD interacts with Endocannabinoid System (ECS) receptors in the human body. The SEC regulates sleep, pain, memory, digestion, and immunity, in addition to maintaining homeostasis, i.e. the ability to self-regulate, in many physiological activities. The effect of CBD oil on anxiety is therefore very promising.

Although the researchers acknowledge that much work remains to be done in this field, what they have discovered so far makes them cautiously optimistic about the health benefits of CBD oil, especially in relation to anxiety. The pure form of CBD relieves pain, is anti-inflammatory, and neuroprotective, and affects mood, improving sleep quality and reducing anxiety.

Unlike tetrahydrocannabinol or THC, another cannabinoid found in hemp, CBD does not cause a “high” as it has no psychotropic effects.

How long does CBD help with anxiety?

If your brain has been dealing with stress and anxiety for a long time, it will need patience to normalize. In fact, the effects of CBD oil may not be felt immediately.

While an overdose of CBD is not likely to cause major side effects, the general rule of thumb for its use is to start with the lowest dose possible and gradually increase the amount from week to week if necessary.

CBD oil reacts differently from person to person: in some cases, a few drops may be sufficient to achieve the desired effect; in others, a larger amount is required.

Take note of the amount of CBD taken and the improvement of symptoms until you become familiar with the product. This will allow you to determine the correct dosage of CBD.

Yoga and meditation are also recommended to treat anxiety, as they help the mind regenerate and escape its clutches faster.

It is always advisable to consult a doctor before using CBD oil, especially if you are already taking prescription medications. If you want to find great tips and information, check out Viral Trench to learn more.

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